
Site monitoring MISSION

Sketch studies

Or diagnostic studies – DIA – in the case of work on an existant building. The architect presents the results of his first feasibility study of the desired building and produces a first sketch based on the various parameters linked to the land, the construction options envisaged by the client and his financial constraints. This initial sketch allows a first visualization of the project inserted into the site. In case of rehabilitation or renovation of an existant building, the architect also provides his technical and architectural diagnostic study to carry out the desired modification and the required work.

The architect also specifies a first estimate of the cost of the different options which meet the expectations of the client; he can possibly propose several options which emphasize this or that condition mentioned by the client: minimization of costs of construction, minimization of use and maintenance costs, maximization of the longevity of the construction, optimal insertion into the natural or urban environment, architectural quality, etc.

At this stage, nothing binds the project owner further.

Preliminary Studies

If the client is satisfied with the initial sketch or diagnostic studies, they may decide to proceed with the preliminary studies.

1. Preliminary Summary Project - APS
At this stage of the process, the architect provides a precise description of the various options chosen for the building project, along with an estimate of the cost and duration of the work. Some flexibility may be allowed depending on the size of the project and the current state of the studies and construction work. This working document serves to finalize the architect's service offer.
2. Final Preliminary Project - APD
Once the final adjustments are made based on the options selected by the client, the choice of materials is finalized, and the various technical services and all construction work are specified with their integration into the project. For new buildings over 1,000 m², an energy supply study and a power assessment must be undertaken.

A precise cost estimate for the entire project is then completed. The documents detailing the final characteristics of the architectural project and the agreed performance standards are formally drafted; they form the contract specifying point by point all the services provided by the architect to the client during the following phases.

Building Permit Application File

In the Ivorian context, this step occurs at the beginning of the project. The architect prepares all the administrative and legal documents, including the title deed, the certified topographical extract of the land, the client's statutes, and the identification documents of the project initiators to establish the urban planning certificate (CU). This crucial document outlines all the urban planning standards to be adhered to (setbacks from property boundaries and access roads, maximum allowable height, etc.) and can significantly redirect the proposed project. This step allows the architect to verify whether the project commissioned by the client complies with the CU. If the CU permits it, the architect can confidently develop the project and progress to the APD phase. At this stage, the architect must gather the following documents to complete the file.

1. Architectural Graphic Documents
2. Written Documents
3. Administrative Documents

Once all the necessary documents for the complete building permit application (PC) file are gathered, the architect submits the file to the competent authority. 

They follow the file's review, provide any additional required documents, and assist in integrating necessary third-party expertise in agreement with the client until the building permit is obtained.

If the CU does not comply with the proposed project, an appeal is possible. A request for a derogation is submitted to the competent authority. If the request is accepted, a new CU application is made with the obtained derogation, and the rest of the procedure for obtaining the PC follows its normal course.

Detailed Design of the Building

1. Project Studies - PRO

The architect then prepares detailed plans for all levels of the building(s), elevations, facades, and potentially additional perspectives that ensure a comprehensive understanding of the entire project down to the smallest details. Depending on the specific needs of each project, technical study firms selected by the client on the architect's recommendation concurrently develop their action plan in close collaboration with the architect to ensure a successful integration of their expertise into the overall project

The architect completes the detailed plans for the entire building.

Planification de la construction

Études et plans d’exécution – EXE

Plans d’exécution:

Les études d’exécution ont pour objet la réalisation technique du projet : les plans d’exécution aux échelles appropriées, les notes de calcul et les spécifications d’usage pour le chantier permettent l’exécution des travaux par les différents entrepreneurs pour la construction de l’ensemble du bâtiment.

Au-delà des plans architecturaux, le maître d’ouvrage peut éventuellement charger l’architecte, assisté de techniciens des spécialités requises, de réaliser les plans d’exécution et devis quantitatifs détaillés de certains lots, dans une mission complémentaire des études d’exécution. Les plans de l’architecte ne se substituent néanmoins en aucune façon aux plans techniques d’atelier, de montage et de mise en œuvre lors du chantier, qui sont toujours dus par les entrepreneurs.