
Jonathan N'GUESSAN

Holder of a BTS in Finance, Accounting and Business Management, it is as a salesperson at Wave Côte d'Ivoire that he started his young professional career.

He took his first steps in accounting as an intern at Groupe Consult IT SARL where his career path led him to WACI, where he first worked as an accounting assistant intern, before joining the logistics department as a purchasing assistant.

Passionate about numbers and digital marketing, he aims to merge these two fields to create innovative solutions and bring real added value to certain professional perceptions. Convinced that choosing a job you love means never really "working" in your life.

Outside of work, Jonathan has a passion for music, for which he plays the drums, science films, and reading books on entrepreneurship. These interests thus nourish his professional and personal vision, and motivate him to pursue his dreams with determination.